International Hackathon challenge: Empower Saturday 1st of May


Are you a student with an interest in climate, technical and social innovations? Do you want to contribute to sustainable and affordable energy generation? Would you like to develop new concepts, products or services? Take part in the international hackathon Empower on Saturday 1 May! The hackathon offers a unique opportunity to collaborate with different students, experts and professionals. Your idea can have an impact on the social energy transition in Europe. You have a chance to win the sustainable grand prize!

Clean energy for everyone

The European Green Deal is the roadmap for making the EU economy sustainable. This will only succeed if we use the climate and environmental problems in all policy areas as an opportunity to make the transition as fair and inclusive as possible for everyone. By 2030 we want to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement; 40% less CO2 emissions. The European target is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Energy poverty is a widespread problem in Europe: between 50 and 125 million inhabitants cannot afford good thermal comfort indoors. We want green energy for everyone!

The hackathon will bring students from various European countries together to help solve one of the biggest challenges in the energy transition. Develop creative and innovative solutions for lower incomes in the energy transition. At the end of the day, a jury will determine the winning team.

● Make impact by participating in a EU Hackathon
● Contribute to the energy transition in your city, country and Europe
● Strengthen your curriculum
● Learn from inspiring experts and grow your network
● Win the sustainable grand prize

Join the hackathon

Do you also want to use your expertise and join forces to accelerate the energy transition in your city,country and Europe? Our European-funded EMPOWER2.0 project aims at solving this and we need your help! Sign up now for the Empower Hackathon. The first 25 registrations will receive free snacks and drinks!

Participation is free and registration is easy @ There youwill find the preliminary program. Any questions? Send an email to